
In the press and testimonials: 

D Magazine 

Documentary Film Hopes to Change the Way Family Courts Operate | KRLD Radio

Feature of ALL RISE in USA Film Festival | GuideLive

Comments from Texas CASA staff in Austin after watching the film: 

“I was inspired by how counseling to deal with one’s core trauma can help people more toward a more positive and fulfilling life, away from drugs and dysfunctional behavior. It helped me have more compassion for drug abusing parents and see them as a wounded child themselves in need of help.” 

“It’s essential that we don’t just focus on the trauma of the child but rather the trauma that the WHOLE family has experienced. This is often missing in these conversations.” “ 

“It was a great reminder to have a little more grace when working with families and children.” 

“There is hope. People can change if given the right opportunities.” 

“The court participants’ response to the compassion of the judge and court staff was eye-opening. People deserve understanding and a fighting chance to succeed in the face of multi-generational struggles.” 

“My takeaway of the film is the power of compassion and patience over going through the motions. The court criticized certain parents for checking the boxes and I think the same complaint could be made for many government agencies/ representatives.”  

“It was very touching, but certainly focused on success stories while alluding to the fact that not everyone can be successful even in this innovative court. That reality may have been glossed over a little.”